Senda póst

sunnudagur, mars 7
Ah, Brantley minn er algjör snilld. Ég hefði ekki betur geta lýst hugarástandi bókmenntafræðinemans. Þetta er, bara svo að þið vitið, daglegt ástand okkar í deildinni. Hvað væri líf bókmenntafræðinemans ef ekki væri fyrir hugarangistina, kvíðann, bakverkinn, og flóttalega frestun allra verkefna?
  • I think it is the vice of academics to get into such amazing whirlpools of self-doubt and fear over such little, useless things. It's a nasty side-effect of their ability to try to bring useful meaning out of things that other people don't care about. Will I be crawling somewhere with a rifle? Will I be addressing an angry mob? Will I have a Bene Gesserit holding the gom jabbar to my throat while my hand sizzles in the mystery box? Will I be doing emergency medicine on a gunshot victim? Will I be crossing the Atlantic on a dinghy? I think it is the vice of academics to get into such amazing whirlpools of self-doubt and fear over such little, useless things. It's a nasty side-effect of their ability to try to bring useful meaning out of things that other people don't care about. Will I be crawling somewhere with a rifle? Will I be addressing an angry mob? Will I have a Bene Gesserit holding the gom jabbar to my throat while my hand sizzles in the mystery box? Will I be doing emergency medicine on a gunshot victim? Will I be crossing the Atlantic on a dinghy?
  • No, I'll be talking to academics for two hours about Chaucer, Allegory, and Witchcraft. There might even be brie. Yet somehow I'm twitching and my stomach is churning and everything seems sharp and detailed - I look around the room and it's got that threatening, real edge to it that you notice when a lover has slammed the door on you or you get a call that a friend has died.
Fyrir ykkur sem hafið áhuga á rökfræði, þá getum við bent á það að Brantley sýnir hér afbragðsnotkun á "anthypophora" (anþýpófóru?). Á meðan kallaðist inngangur minn á við tilvitnuna með því að beita erótemu. (Já, ég er sem sagt byrjuð að henda mér í rökfræðina. Hef fyllt út ótal hvíta minnismiða með hugtökunum, og skilgreiningunum, og sit núna fyrir framan sjónvarpið með hvítu minnismiðana og reyni að læra allt heila klabbið utanað. Sigh.)


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