Senda póst

þriðjudagur, febrúar 3
The Scandinavian Menace  
Hahaha! Ég var að lesa alveg einstaklega illa skrifaða grein á netinu sem fjallar allt um hvernig Skandinavíubúar eru að eyðileggja hjónasælu Bandaríkjamanna. Greinin er einstaklega áhugaverð, hvernig hún reynir að tengja hjónabönd samkynhneigðra við eyðileggingu allra hjónabanda. A.m.k. reynir greinin að halda því fram, en höfundurinn er einnig umhugað að tala um hvernig trúleysi Skandinavíubúa, sósíalískar tilhneigingar, sem og argasti feminismi séu einnig um að kenna. Nokkrar tilvitnanir:
  • No Western economy has a higher percentage of public employees, public expenditures--or higher tax rates--than Sweden. The massive Swedish welfare state has largely displaced the family as provider. By guaranteeing jobs and income to every citizen (even children), the welfare state renders each individual independent. It's easier to divorce your spouse when the state will support you instead.

    The taxes necessary to support the welfare state have had an enormous impact on the family. With taxes so high, women must work. This reduces the time available for child rearing, thus encouraging the expansion of a day-care system that takes a large part in raising nearly all Swedish children over age one. Here is at least a partial realization of Simone de Beauvoir's dream of an enforced androgyny that pushes women from the home by turning children over to the state.


    There are also cultural-ideological causes of Swedish family decline. Even more than in the United States, radical feminist and socialist ideas pervade the universities and the media. Many Scandinavian social scientists see marriage as a barrier to full equality between the sexes, and would not be sorry to see marriage replaced by unmarried cohabitation. A related cultural-ideological agent of marital decline is secularism. Sweden is probably the most secular country in the world. Secular social scientists (most of them quite radical) have largely replaced clerics as arbiters of public morality. Swedes themselves link the decline of marriage to secularism. And many studies confirm that, throughout the West, religiosity is associated with institutionally strong marriage, while heightened secularism is correlated with a weakening of marriage. Scholars have long suggested that the relatively thin Christianization of the Nordic countries explains a lot about why the decline of marriage in Scandinavia is a decade ahead of the rest of the West.


    THE DECLINE OF MARRIAGE and the rise of unstable cohabitation and out-of-wedlock childbirth are not confined to Scandinavia. The Scandinavian welfare state aggravates these problems. Yet none of the forces weakening marriage there are unique to the region. Contraception, abortion, women in the workforce, spreading secularism, ascendant individualism, and a substantial welfare state are found in every Western country. That is why the Nordic pattern is spreading.
Greinarhöfundur heldur áfram og talar um það hvernig við Skandinavíubúar viljum ekki rannsaka þetta og að allar alvöru rannsóknir um ástandið í löndunum okkar hafa verið gerðar af alvörufræðimönnum (lesist: bandarískum og breskum). Já, og síðan talar hann einnig um það að skilnaðir eru því miður einnig algengir í Bandaríkjunum... EN, bara meðal svartra og spænskumælandi. Og ef við myndum taka þá vondu minnihlutahópa úr tölunum, þá er ástandið bara ansi gott hérna í hvítu Bandaríkjunum.

Bandaríkjamenn eru einstaklega mikil fífl.


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